Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Donk Of The Day

Introducing a new item added to QAsrevenge.com!

The Donk Of The Day!

A few weeks back I was playing Pot-Limit Omaha (my favorite game) on Bodog. One of the regulars at the limit I play was looking at my website and told me that he really liked the Thongs Of The Day, and that I should add a Donk Of The Day page.

The more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. So, you can thank Bodog player Allenallin for the newest edition to the QAsRevenge web site.

The Donk Of The Day!

Check it out when you get a chance. It only took one session to garner the first worthy entrants!

Keep checking back though, because I'm going to work on setting it up so that replays can be watched using re-animation software. Should be fun!

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wall Street Survivor

So, you like to play poker.

And you know that I do.

Actually, I love playing poker!

There is no better feeling than felting someone and watching their stack add to yours. Well, maybe felting two or even three people at once! Now that's a great feeling!

That said, there has always been something intriguing to me about the stock market. Maybe it was the movie Wall Street, or even Trading Places? I don't know. But the idea of billions and billions of dollars flying around each day was always fascinating to me.

But how do you get started investing? Personally, if it's my money, I want to be in control of where it goes, and not rely on some "expert broker". The "expert" my father uses had him in Tandy and Enron.

In poker, you can play at super low stakes or even play money while you learn. That used to not be the case when it comes to investing. Now it is.

Click the icon on the left and join Wall Street Survivor. You can learn investing without risking a dime! Actually, even though it's free, you can win prizes! Including cash!

Plus, even though I suck while I'm learning, it's still a total blast!

So, give it a shot! Click the icon and join Wall Street Survivor! After joining, look me up and add me to your buddy list. We can take each other on.

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Changing Styles

Does reading poker books help or hurt your game? Personally, I find that in the short term it definitely hurts mine. Always has. My girlfriend has actually suggested that I never read another poker book. But, while it hurts my game in the short term, it does helps in the long run. No pain-no gain, I guess.

For example: In October I was playing well and winning. I won in 23 of my 28 sessions. I added lots of trophies, and increased my bankroll by more than 50%. But, I wanted to see if there was a more profitable way to play my draws, so I re-read Sammy Farha's book on Omaha.

What happened? I totally threw my winning style out the window and tried to play like Sammy. A complete disaster! Look, I'm not a luck-box that can conjure up four outer's at will, never have been, so the style that has always worked best for me is to grind. You know; pick up small pots, avoid coin flips, and try to create opportunities to get my stack in as a big favorite.

Even so, I'll admit that there have been times that I've watched an extremely aggressive player hit everything in sight and run their stack up 4 or 5 buy-ins in a short time. And similar to my reaction after reading a poker book, I have mistakenly attempted to switch and emulate their style on the spot. Usually with less than stellar results.

So while I believe that you should read poker books, magazines, forums etc., and even carefully watch players that give you problems. I also believe that you should be wary of changing your style on a whim, and that calculated steps should be taken to protect your bankroll when experimenting.

Let's say you have just read a new book, or have watched a player dominate your table. Drop down a level or two and try a few new things out there first. And don't just try it out for an hour, or one session. Test drive it for at least a week. Let it become comfortable. Let yourself grow into it. Learn how other's react and adjust to what you're doing.

It's important to be able to play as many styles as possible. Reading and carefully watching other's work is an excellent way to learn different concepts. But it's one thing to see or read about a style or technique, it's another to make it fit into your game. Don't just shove it in. Lubricate.

Oh, and as for those super agro-donks that occasionally come flying by? I've always kept track of the tables at levels above and below me to see who is moving up, and who is moving down. This lets me know which players are playing or running well and which one's aren't. Most often, you'll see the super agro-donks heading down.

Good luck and don't suck,


Friday, December 5, 2008

Don't Be That Guy

"OMFG! How could you make such a stupid play!?"

"Another idiot gets lucky!"

****ing moron!


All poker players are familiar with the chat box chastising that happens during online poker play. And occasionally, the person doing it may even be you.

The truth is though. Berating your opponents cost you money!

Look, no poker player ever plays perfectly. Even Phil Ivey once stated that he had never played a perfect session. As is often said; "Poker is a game of incomplete information". Even the best players err or have lapses in judgment.

That said, sometimes what look like mistakes are actually done intentionally to help create a more profitable table image. I personally have no trouble throwing away my first buy-in making loose calls or showing down light to create an image that will get me paid off time and time again.

But what happens when you start berating the average opponent or opponents for their mistakes? They either tighten up, or leave. The exact opposite desired result. You want players that are playing poorly or tilting to continue to do so. Calling them out does not achieve this. In fact, what often happens is that not only does the offending player tighten up, the entire table does, not wanting to risk being publicly flogged for their errors.

As a therapist, I understand that the psychological need for retribution, but, the satisfaction of this desire does nothing to help satisfy one's other desire. The desire to make money! All it does is create a nit-style, less profitable, poker environment. Not an optimal result.

So, the next time you feel the need to call someone out for their play, remember two things.

1. They
know they made a mistake.

2. It will cost you money to tell them so.

Good luck and don't suck,


Friday, November 28, 2008

Trophies and Thongs

As you know, I'm a big fan of girls in thongs and also of adding trophies to my trophy room. So, because it is so much cleaner and easier, I've moved my Trophy Room and Thongs of the Day to QAsRevenge.com.

So, stop by and see all the players felted by me this month and then check out some of the girls in thongs. What could be better?

Good luck and don't suck,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time For More Trophies

Well, October is over and it's time to start refilling the Trophy Room. I couldn't decide whether to just keep adding them or just purge and refill. I opted for the latter, but did leave the names of all the players I felted in October in the Trophy Room at QAsRevenge.com. You can check to see if you were one of them.

Working on turning the aggression up a notch in my Omaha game right now. I've played long enough to master the ABC style and can consistently grind out a profit. Now it's time to begin taking my game up a level. Should be fun!

As always, new pictures of girls in thongs in the Thongs Of The Day post!

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

When The Gods Favor You

As you may have read yesterday, sometimes the gods just wanna have their way with you. Fair enough. I can take it.

Because of bankroll management and the willingness to leave when things were going badly, yesterday's debacle didn't crush me. I just rebooted myself this morning and got back to work.

And guess what? The gods smiled! I hit my cards, only had two bad beats and added seven trophies to my Trophy Room! Almost won everything back from yesterday! Nice.

Good luck and don't suck,


PS-Remember to check out the Thongs of the Day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When The Gods Decide To Kill

As I said before, you will never hear me tell a bad beat story. Because nobody cares! Every poker player takes their share of bad beats. It's part of the game.

That said, days like today are the main reason I spend so much time talking about playing well within your bankroll.

The reason? Days like today just happen and there is nothing you can do.

For example: Today I was all-in going to the river six times with my opponent drawing to four cards or less. Twice drawing to one card. Guess what? I lost every single time. 6 buy-in's gone, even though in every hand I had better than a 9 to 1 advantage when the money went to the middle.

There will be times when you just can't win no matter what. So, the best thing to do is to shut it down, get some exercise, eat, get drunk, and have some sex. Poker will always be there, and by playing with less than five percent of your bankroll, you can go back tomorrow and resume playing. No real damage done.

Good luck and don't suck,


PS-Don't forget to check out Thongs Of The Day!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fear Part ll

Yesterday we talked about fears. Today we'll talk about fears related to Consequences of Failure.

We can use yesterday's example of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge again.

Why is it more difficult for some people to drive over a bridge than it is to drive on the regular road? It's exactly the same road; Two lanes-white lines-guardrails on the sides. No different than a million miles of other roads. The road itself isn't different.

The difference is perception and the fear of what could happen. The Consequences of Failure. You know, like plunging to your death. Which unfortunately did happen this summer, leading to the death of a truck driver.

First time in all the years the bridge has been there, but I'm sure it reinforced a lot of people's fears. "See, I told you that could happen!"

Try this experiment: Sit down and close your eyes (first read the rest obviously). Make yourself comfortable, then imagine, as clearly as you can, a 2 by 8 board-twenty feet long, lying on the floor. Now, bring all of your senses in and clearly imagine walking along that board. Notice how easy it is to walk on the board as it rest on the ground.

Now, I want you to imagine that the same board has been placed running from the top of one twelve story building to the top of another. You are now standing there on top of the twelve story building and have to walk across that same 2 by 8 board to the other building. With a drop of more than a hundred feet. Step out onto the board, glance down and clearly imagine yourself there. Use all of your senses to put yourself out on that board. Notice the change in how your body feels. If you have a good imagination, you may even find it too uncomfortable to continue.

Once again, you're thinking what the hell does this have to do with poker?


Remember a time when you risked a large chunk of your bankroll. Enough where a simple bad run could possibly erase days, weeks or even months worth of work. Maybe even crush you altogether, leaving you having to start from scratch.

Did you play your normal game? Or did the Consequences of Failure get into your head?

Is a bad run just a step on the floor? Or is it a twelve story drop?

Think about it.

Good luck and don't suck,


Monday, October 20, 2008


Did you know that in a university study, participants rated
public speaking as their number one fear!

Three places higher than death!

That's right, according to the study on fear, people would rather
die than speak publicly. That's how powerful fears can be! I will tell you something though, there is no such thing as public speaking! You are either speaking aloud or thinking to yourself. That's it. The only difference is how many people are listening!

But that's off topic, let's move on to our discussion on fear.

Some fears are hard-wired into us through genetics for our protection. Two examples of this are more easily explained using animals:

  1. Chimpanzees raised in captivity, having never been in their natural habitat, react with fear when shown a picture of a snake.
  2. The Galapagos Islands are famous for their animal's lack of fear of humans. But, this is not true on all of the islands. At one time, hunting was allowed on a few of the islands. On these, even though hundreds of years have passed since hunting was outlawed, animals there still react with a fear response to humans.
Fears can also be established in other ways, and with enough reinforcement can even become full blown phobias. Examples:
  1. Fear Caused By An Initial Sensitizing Event: We'll stick with public speaking here, though we could use any example, such as being bit by a dog, or getting knocked over by a big wave, elevators, heights, etc. All it takes is one incident with a strong feeling of fear (the ol' fifth grade oral report was a good one), to establish the base fear. So let's say the fifth grade oral report was an extremely uncomfortable event for you. Then, years later, you find they you have to speak publicly for your job. Your subconscious scans memories for previous experiences and BAM, all of the sudden, you feel exactly like as you did as a scared fifth grader. Heart racing, palms cold and sweaty, arm pits soaked, mouth dry. And now armed with two examples, the subconscious fear has been reinforced and you may never become comfortable speaking to groups.
  2. Fear By Direct or Indirect Suggestion: A parent or person of authority can also establish a lifelong fear for a child. For example; A parent gets scared or nervous each time they have to drive over a bridge. They make statements such as "I hate driving across that bridge, it makes me so nervous." Or they hold their breath and white-knuckle it. Now, I live near the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and this is a common one around here. So, years later, the child has grown up and heading to the beach with friends. Once on the bridge, the now grown up child has a panic attack. Shortness of breath, feeling of pressure on the chest, and a generalized fear that their logical reasoning can't control. They now have fear that was given to them! They may get over it, they may learn to control it, or, the fear may grow until they can't cross the bridge any more.
Those of you that have actually read this far are probably thinking, "What the hell does this have to do with poker?"

Simple. Let's take a look at a few of the fear inducers in poker.
  1. Fear of losing money
  2. Fear of looking stupid
  3. Fear of embarrassment
  4. Fear of ridicule
Any of these fears by themselves could cause a powerful emotional response. And combined, could definitely have an negative impact on how you play poker. I'm sure you're familiar with the saying that, "scared money makes none." What that adage ignores is that there are far more fears than just losing money!

So, take a moment and think about possible fears you may have when playing, and how fear may be affecting your poker game.

Tomorrow I'm going to discuss Consequences of Failure.

Good luck and don't suck,


Saturday, October 18, 2008

QAsRevenge Has Launched!

QAsRevenge is expanding it's presence in the world by launching qasrevenge.com!

Just getting started but she'll be sailing strong in no time! Of course, bringing the thongs and trophies aboard but there will be so much more in the future!

Good Luck And Don't Suck,


Friday, October 17, 2008

Cashing Out

Everyone that plays poker is trying to build up their bankroll so that they can play at a higher level.

The fastest and easiest way to do that is to not cash out at all until you reach your target level. But that's not always possible. Sometimes you just have to reach into your bankroll.

Back in the day when I played on Empire Poker (even before they merged with Party Gaming), and long before the Illegal Internet Gaming Act, it was as easy as a few clicks and the cash was in my bank account ready to use. Needless to say, I often took advantage of this to buy simple stuff like......beer.......and tequila.

This slowed the build-up of my bankroll significantly, but at the same time, it did feel good to plop down cash that I had won from other people.... Still does actually.

In that way, I have to say that the IIGA has actually helped me because it forced me to create a specific strategy to reach my goal, and kept my grubby hands out of my bankroll.

Still always adhering to the 5% rule when playing, I now have a set cash out date each month. Once this date arrives, I cash out 30% of the month's profit. This does no damage to my bankroll and allows me to move up comfortably and quickly to the next level.

Using this technique on Bodog I have moved up 4 levels and increased my bankroll by 1200 percent in five months! Even with the cash outs! Let's see Warren Buffett do that.

A little boring? Yep. I have no desire for fame though, and am perfectly happy grinding out a nice living. Continuing to plop down my opponents money for......beer......and tequila.

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wall Street Survivor

I believe the latest stock market downfall might be my fault.
I'm kidding of course, but each time I reset my portfolio in the Wall Street Survivor's Stock Market Game the stock market goes into a free-fall!
I've always had an interest in investing and the stock market but figured I'd better spend some time learning and practicing before I actually commited any of my own money. Kind of like playing free-money online poker before actually using real money.
So, I joined the game at Wall Street Survivor and I have to say that it's a blast!
I just suck at it.
Similar to how I sucked at online poker years ago.
So, I'll do my reading and research and practice, just as I did with poker, and one day I'll be good at investing also. It's only a matter of time.
Good luck and don't suck,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Challenge To You

When I started this blog, I just wanted to try to give other poker players a chance to learn from my years of experience playing online poker, and how I also apply my training in Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/EMDR/Neuro-Linguistic Programming to my game. I've always felt that until you can teach a skill to others that you really haven't mastered it yourself.

That said, I also wanted to have some fun with the site at the same time. Hence, my QAsRevenge Trophy Room and the Thongs Of The Day.

Recently, I applied for Bodog's Affiliate Program with this idea; To really have fun with the QAsRevenge Trophy Room and actually challenge my readers to join Bodog and take me on. On my dime!

That's right! After becoming a Bodog Affiliate I want to actually pay you to play against me! Then I will attempt to take my money back and put you in my trophy room! Good times!

All we need to do is to drive more traffic to this site to build more statistical data and Bodog said it would be a go!

So, tell your friends, click the Google Ad bar, check out past post, of course the Thongs Of The Day, and let's get this going!

Good luck and don't suck,


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Card Dead

Is there anything worse than sitting at an action table with chips flying everywhere and being completely card dead?

That's what my last two sessions have been like and I'm a little surprised. One of the reasons I play short-handed PL Omaha is that days like that are few and far between. Missing almost every flop, then having to lay down big hand after big hand because you know it's beat. Years ago, sessions like that would frustrate me and I would start pushing anytime I felt I had even the slightest edge. This usually ended up costing me a few buy-in's and occasionally, a frightened cat and broken keyboard.

Eventually, I learned that there are times when the cards will just not allow you to play your normal game, and I believe that learning to play (or not play) when card dead has been instrumental to the growth of my bankroll.

What do you do when you are in a card dead situation? Open up and play more hands? Tighten up and play less?

Personally, I tighten up and then come in for a full pot sized raise when I do enter. I want to be the initiator of the action when I'm dead. This at least gives me a chance to win with a continuation bet after the flop, when I miss yet again.

Occasionally I'll switch to small ball and start limping more, but what you don't want to do is start calling more raises, chasing, etc. This is nothing but a giant leak. Be a patient aggressor, not a chasing caller!

Still not working? Stay as long as you can without getting frustrated, and not one hand more. There's always a game tomorrow and you'll do your bankroll a huge favor!

Good luck and don't suck,


Monday, October 13, 2008

Wanna Get Paid?

Then bet bigger!

Why? Because big pots create more errors by your opponents!

Years ago, I noticed that nothing got my bluffs called faster than a large bet. I could steal a hundred pots with half or two-thirds bets, but bring in the big bet, and it was an insta-call. I began watching how players reacted to large bets and large pots and noticed that even generally solid players made mistakes more frequently in large pot situations.

I noticed that players have two distinct traits that cause them to make mistakes in big pots.
Mistakes that they generally avoid when the pots are small.

  1. They are overly optimistic.
  2. They are overly pessimistic

How's that? Simple.

The optimistic player sees a big pot brewing and thinks to himself, "Oh boy! A large pot!" And starts mentally creating justifiable reasons to stay in, even if the math dictates a fold. The pessimistic player sees your large bet and thinks, "He doesn't want a call-must be bluffing-I'm not gonna let him bluff me out of this big pot."

Your big betting has aroused an emotional response and created a need for them to stay in the hand! Math and logic go out the window.

This is actually the main difference between winning and losing players. Winning players look for reasons to get out of hands, while losing players look for excuses to stay in them.

By betting big, you will experience greater swings in your bankroll (because as you know, sometimes they get lucky) but overall it will grow. A heavy hand is the easiest way to induce errors from you opponents!

Good luck and don't suck,


Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's The Weekend And The Weather Is Perfect!

No thoughts or advice for today other than to say that I believe breaks away from the table are crucial to your mental health. Relax, have fun, take some time to check out the latest Thongs Of The Day, then turn off the computer. It's a perfect day and I'm going out to play!

Good luck and don't suck,


Friday, October 10, 2008

Stop The Bleeding!

Are you putting in the hours but finding that your bankroll is on a downward slide? Try this:

Play only one table at a time! Turn off the TV. Stop texting and talking to friends. Stop looking at internet porn, Facebook, or whatever. Sit down at one table, turn everything else off, and focus all of your concentration on beating your opponents. Pay full attention to every hand. Learn your opponent's tendencies and weaknesses. Or if they are better than you; learn their strengths, and how you can apply them to your own game.

I make money not by winning the majority of the large pots I'm involved in, but by picking up small pots while nobody is paying attention, value betting, and by snapping off weak stabs and bluffs. You can only do this though, if you are fully focused on the table you're playing!

QAsRevenge Poker Math: Two tables are worse than one

Reason? There are three possible outcomes to playing two tables at the same time and two of them are negative.

Need an explanation?

Scenario # 1. Winning on both tables. ++ = positive session
Scenario # 2. Winning on one losing on other. +- = zero session
Scenario # 3. Losing on both tables. -- = negative session

Everyone is familiar with these Super Multi-Tabling Internet Whiz Kids that have grown up glued to game controllers and can play 40 SNGs at a time. You know what? I'm not that guy. And maybe you aren't either.

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, October 9, 2008

QAsRevenge Thongs Of The Day! Updated Daily!

Can't be thinking about poker all the time can you?


Buying In Short

I never buy in to a table as a short stack. And by short stack, I mean less than 40 percent of the full buy-in. Here's why;

  1. When you buy-in as a short stack you often end up pot committed with a hand that you realize too late isn't the best hand going to showdown. But, since you only have five bucks left, and there is 45 in the pot, you end up just throwing the last of your money in. Essentially giving your hard-earned money away!
  2. Your table image is crap. Nobody respects the person that sits down with a short stack, and it's nearly impossible to pull off a big bluff when you can't price anyone out. Yesterday I watched as a short stack came over the top on the turn to try and bluff fatking out of the pot. It was only .40 cents more for fatking to call into a thirty dollar pot! Hilarious!
  3. You lose your ability to maneuver. Let's say your playing Omaha (my game) and you flop a nice draw. It's heads up and your opponent bets pot. With a large stack you can either call to see the turn or raise to build a larger pot and possibly take the pot right there. With the short stack, you lose fold equity because your raise has put you all in, or close to it, and your opponent is now priced into the pot. Now your hand has to improve to win and you have essentially removed one of your options for winning.
  4. QAsRevenge poker math. You buy-in for 20 at a 50 dollar table. You raise-continuation bet and then have to fold. Leaving you 14. You then double up to 28 and are up 8 dollars. You then double up again and have 56. Whoopie. But let's look at my way. I buy in for 50, raise-cbet and fold, leaving me with 44. I double up and have 88. Now, I double up again, and have 176! I risked 30 dollars more but have now made 126 profit, rather than 36*. Personally I'd rather have the 126, so it's worth it to me to play for max value.
That said, there are two exceptions to my rule of buying in for the full amount. When I am learning a new game or moving up in stakes**. Even then, I only drop my buy-in to 60 percent of the full amount. This still gives me the ability to maneuver while exposing a little bit less of my bankroll.

So there you have it.

Good luck and don't suck,


*I didn't include rake in these calculations. But you knew that right?
**When moving up, I still adhere to the 5 percent rule.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You Sank My Battleship!

Welcome to QAsRevenge Trophy Room!

I've been pretty serious with my blog so far, so I'm gonna lighten up a bit today and introduce:

QAsRevenge Trophy Room!

My own personal tribute to the fallen warriors at my tables! That's right, whenever I scoop all of your chips, I am going to hang your head in my new Trophy Room! I can't wait to see who gets to be first!

Obviously, no one in battle remains unscathed, and I do occasionally misfire. But for me, it's only one shell, so I just reload and fire again. Gotta love bankroll management.

Check back to watch the victims pile up! It should be fun!

Good luck and don't suck,


PS-You didn't think I'd be trying to help you all the time did you?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What Are You "Trying" To Do?

Doesn't matter really, you most likely won't succeed.

Why is that? By using the word "try", we give ourselves a subconscious out, allowing ourselves to fail while still having the excuse, "well I tried".

Think about it; How many times have you heard somebody say that they were going to "try" to quit smoking? And what were they doing the next time you saw them? Smoking! And their excuse? "Yeah, I "tried" to quit but then I had a bad day at work, had too many beers, got in a fight with my GF/BF, etc."

The simple fact is that if they wanted to quit smoking, they would quit smoking. Not "try" to quit. The use of the word "try" allows them to fail while still saving face, which was the subconscious reason for the use of the word "try" all along. Their conscious, rational mind, knows that they should quit, and all of the reasons for doing so, but their subconscious, emotional mind, enjoys smoking and doesn't want to.

Another example; Let's say that you are having a party or meeting friends for happy hour etc., and one of your friends says that they will "try" to make it. Guess what? They're not coming! But what happens if your friend actually
does show up? You feel surprised! Internally, you knew what their use of the word "try" meant, and didn't really expect to see them!

Now, take a moment to think about times in your life when you have used the word "try" to get out of doing something, or as a way to save face in case you failed.

How does this relate to poker? Think about how often you use "try" statements in relation to your game.

  • "Well, I'm going to go "try" to win some money."
  • "I'm going to "try" to win, or at least cash in this tournament.
  • "I'm going to "try" and make a living playing poker."

You get the idea. Now, what should we do instead? Simple, remove the word "try" when we are making a statement about our personal goals.

Say these two statements out loud;

  1. "I am going to go play poker now and "try" to make some money."
  2. "I am going to go play poker now and make some money."
Notice the difference in how the two statements feel internally. In the first one, you can actually feel the doubt about accomplishing your goal, while the second feels much stronger and more positive. In the future, keep an ear or eye out for your "try" statements and then make the same statement removing the word "try". Make a mental note of the differences in feeling, and think about what the implications of actually succeeding would be.

Good luck at the tables and I'll see you soon!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Hypnosis And Poker

"Today I will play perfect poker. I will play patiently and with discipline. I will play with aggression when I detect weakness, and with caution when I suspect strength. I will punish players on draws or that hold weaker hands. I will have the discipline to fold when I am beat. I will create big pots with big hands and small pots with small hands. I will stay calm and relaxed at all times."

This is an example of how I use hypnosis to create a positive mindset for myself before each session of poker. Notice that each sentence is phrased as a positive suggestion. This is because your subconscious mind is designed to accept suggestions only in that manner. Remember that you think in your language! When you frame a suggestion, it should always be written, or spoken, using a positive intonation. Suggestions that are framed as a negative are not accepted by the subconscious in the way that you wish them to be. Actually, they are accepted by the subconscious in the exact opposite!

An example; Do not think of the front door of your house!

What happened? You just thought of the front door of your house. Though strangely enough, I have had clients that told me that they thought of the front door of someone else's house.

Another example; Do not think of a large pink elephant walking down the street!

You just thought of a pink elephant.

So what happens when you tell yourself something like, "I am not going to get mad and go on tilt today!"

Actually, your subconscious hears that as "I am going to get mad and tilt today!" The exact opposite what you wanted.

Even the best players are going to lose their share of hands each day. The ability to not let those beats affect your play is crucial to your long term success. Rare is the day when the poker gods smile upon you and everything just falls into place. That is why it is so important to prepare yourself. Nobody plays well when they are upset or angry.

It also goes without saying that you should be playing well within your bankroll. I personally always stick to Chris Ferguson's five percent rule. You simply cannot play your best when the loss of few buy-in's eats up a quarter, a third, or half of your bankroll!

So, use the example at the top and begin writing and formulating your own pre-session suggestions. Repetition is the key to using suggestion, so make sure to get a note pad and write them down each day before you start to play. Then, take a moment at the end of your session to make a few notes. Including your mental state.

I will soon include an audio link of an actual Self-Hypnosis CD called Improving Poker that I have created for myself. I think you'll really like it.

Good luck and and don't suck,


Saturday, October 4, 2008

QAsRevenge Poker From The Mind Up

Can you make a living playing online poker? Some do. Most don't.

Some play for fun, others play for distraction, but some have the same goal as I. To become wealthy playing poker! I want to be able to make my own hours, travel to various Carribean Islands as well as other countries. Go fishing, play golf. All on my own schedule, and all while using bad poker player's money!

Even though there is a wealth of written information out there, most of it is geared towards learning poker skills, and not the emotional toll of playing poker for money. Anyone that has tilted off a huge chunk (or all) of their bankroll knows what I'm talking about. Learning to deal with poker's ups and downs will be the main focus of this blog.
There will never be a bad beat story or whining here! Nobody cares!

Now, let's be real. It's not in my best interest to help bad poker players, as my goal is to take as much money from them as possible. But hopefully, writing and sharing my experiences will help me to improve my game, and if it helps a few others at the same time, I don't see the harm. There are millions of players that I'm sure will never read this.

I intend to use my previous training as a Clinical Hypnotherapist to improve my game and will be happy to explain the techniques to my readers as I go along. That way, we can both learn to strengthen our minds and improve our poker games at the same time.

Good luck and don't suck,
