Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Donk Of The Day

Introducing a new item added to QAsrevenge.com!

The Donk Of The Day!

A few weeks back I was playing Pot-Limit Omaha (my favorite game) on Bodog. One of the regulars at the limit I play was looking at my website and told me that he really liked the Thongs Of The Day, and that I should add a Donk Of The Day page.

The more I thought about it, the more the idea appealed to me. So, you can thank Bodog player Allenallin for the newest edition to the QAsRevenge web site.

The Donk Of The Day!

Check it out when you get a chance. It only took one session to garner the first worthy entrants!

Keep checking back though, because I'm going to work on setting it up so that replays can be watched using re-animation software. Should be fun!

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wall Street Survivor

So, you like to play poker.

And you know that I do.

Actually, I love playing poker!

There is no better feeling than felting someone and watching their stack add to yours. Well, maybe felting two or even three people at once! Now that's a great feeling!

That said, there has always been something intriguing to me about the stock market. Maybe it was the movie Wall Street, or even Trading Places? I don't know. But the idea of billions and billions of dollars flying around each day was always fascinating to me.

But how do you get started investing? Personally, if it's my money, I want to be in control of where it goes, and not rely on some "expert broker". The "expert" my father uses had him in Tandy and Enron.

In poker, you can play at super low stakes or even play money while you learn. That used to not be the case when it comes to investing. Now it is.

Click the icon on the left and join Wall Street Survivor. You can learn investing without risking a dime! Actually, even though it's free, you can win prizes! Including cash!

Plus, even though I suck while I'm learning, it's still a total blast!

So, give it a shot! Click the icon and join Wall Street Survivor! After joining, look me up and add me to your buddy list. We can take each other on.

Good luck and don't suck,


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Changing Styles

Does reading poker books help or hurt your game? Personally, I find that in the short term it definitely hurts mine. Always has. My girlfriend has actually suggested that I never read another poker book. But, while it hurts my game in the short term, it does helps in the long run. No pain-no gain, I guess.

For example: In October I was playing well and winning. I won in 23 of my 28 sessions. I added lots of trophies, and increased my bankroll by more than 50%. But, I wanted to see if there was a more profitable way to play my draws, so I re-read Sammy Farha's book on Omaha.

What happened? I totally threw my winning style out the window and tried to play like Sammy. A complete disaster! Look, I'm not a luck-box that can conjure up four outer's at will, never have been, so the style that has always worked best for me is to grind. You know; pick up small pots, avoid coin flips, and try to create opportunities to get my stack in as a big favorite.

Even so, I'll admit that there have been times that I've watched an extremely aggressive player hit everything in sight and run their stack up 4 or 5 buy-ins in a short time. And similar to my reaction after reading a poker book, I have mistakenly attempted to switch and emulate their style on the spot. Usually with less than stellar results.

So while I believe that you should read poker books, magazines, forums etc., and even carefully watch players that give you problems. I also believe that you should be wary of changing your style on a whim, and that calculated steps should be taken to protect your bankroll when experimenting.

Let's say you have just read a new book, or have watched a player dominate your table. Drop down a level or two and try a few new things out there first. And don't just try it out for an hour, or one session. Test drive it for at least a week. Let it become comfortable. Let yourself grow into it. Learn how other's react and adjust to what you're doing.

It's important to be able to play as many styles as possible. Reading and carefully watching other's work is an excellent way to learn different concepts. But it's one thing to see or read about a style or technique, it's another to make it fit into your game. Don't just shove it in. Lubricate.

Oh, and as for those super agro-donks that occasionally come flying by? I've always kept track of the tables at levels above and below me to see who is moving up, and who is moving down. This lets me know which players are playing or running well and which one's aren't. Most often, you'll see the super agro-donks heading down.

Good luck and don't suck,


Friday, December 5, 2008

Don't Be That Guy

"OMFG! How could you make such a stupid play!?"

"Another idiot gets lucky!"

****ing moron!


All poker players are familiar with the chat box chastising that happens during online poker play. And occasionally, the person doing it may even be you.

The truth is though. Berating your opponents cost you money!

Look, no poker player ever plays perfectly. Even Phil Ivey once stated that he had never played a perfect session. As is often said; "Poker is a game of incomplete information". Even the best players err or have lapses in judgment.

That said, sometimes what look like mistakes are actually done intentionally to help create a more profitable table image. I personally have no trouble throwing away my first buy-in making loose calls or showing down light to create an image that will get me paid off time and time again.

But what happens when you start berating the average opponent or opponents for their mistakes? They either tighten up, or leave. The exact opposite desired result. You want players that are playing poorly or tilting to continue to do so. Calling them out does not achieve this. In fact, what often happens is that not only does the offending player tighten up, the entire table does, not wanting to risk being publicly flogged for their errors.

As a therapist, I understand that the psychological need for retribution, but, the satisfaction of this desire does nothing to help satisfy one's other desire. The desire to make money! All it does is create a nit-style, less profitable, poker environment. Not an optimal result.

So, the next time you feel the need to call someone out for their play, remember two things.

1. They
know they made a mistake.

2. It will cost you money to tell them so.

Good luck and don't suck,
